
The information provided is not intended as medical advice or a guarantee of outcome. Our products and informational content are a complement to other therapies and not a replacement for medical treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the food & drug administration (FDA). These products and informational content are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Pease consult your doctor for medical advise or if you have an underlying medical condition, are pregnant or nursing.

The content in LIVINGMAJK is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read in this publication. Never rely on information in this publication in place of seeking professional medical advice. LIVINGMAJIK does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be provided in this publication.


L I V I N G M A J I K was created to deliver powerful products formulated entirely from natural ingredients known for healing. We used our education in ancient Chinese medicine and modern Herbalism to thoughtfully select high quality ingredients to delver solution oriented products that are bottled beautifully for your home and family.

At L I V I N G M A J I K, our core belief is that deficiency and toxicity equal disease. Our bodies are very intelligent systems that are made to self-regulate and heal. Everything has an impact on that system, from the stress we feel, to the food we eat, and the products we use. 


My health challenges started back in the early 90’s when I was struggling with food allergies that regularly threw me into anaphylactic shock. Unfortunately, at that time, I couldn’t find a medical professional that was familiar with auto-immune conditions.

 After years of research and experimentation, I found myself healing through natural therapies that included herbs, a whole food diet and becoming more active. But it wasn’t until after losing both of my parents to cancer in 2003 and 2006 that I dedicated all my free time into educating myself on the “why?” . Why are so many people getting cancer? Why are there so many people becoming gluten intolerant? Why are there so many food allergies? And why aren’t physicians interested in how people got that way?

My newfound passion led me to becoming certified in :
-Holistic Health

My first born daughter was diagnosed with Lupus when she was 17. We immediately changed her diet and lifestyle. She slowly became healthier and eventually her body was able to overcome all her symptoms.  It was then that she shared my passion for alternative healing solutions for a healthier life and went back to college for a second degree. She has become a very gifted licensed acupuncturist with a thriving practice. Together we started formulating products to help her patients with our combined knowledge healing abilities of eastern and western herbal traditions.

With all the encouragement and positive feedback we received from her patients over the past five years, we decided to further our healing outreach nationally by taking our products online making them available to everyone that is seeking natural solutions that support their body’s ability to heal itself.

Together with my cherished best friend and both of my daughters, we are a family run business, made in the USA, dedicating our knowledge, love, and integrity to bring you the natural healing power of
PRODUCTS for you and the ones you love.